Thursday, April 23, 2020

Nate Robison

Nate Robison
Congregation of The Damned
Sculpey, acrylic paint, dismantled toys and statuettes, photography, whatever device the piece is being displayed on becomes part of the piece
1920 x 1080 px

Most of my interactions and relationships now happen entirely over Zoom, a service I had never even heard of before quarantine. Many of my pre-COVID close relationships seemed to have a momentous quality to them, like something deeply profound, intimate and unknowable was happening. Now that those relationships have been moved onto Zoom, there is a feeling of deflation sometimes, as human relationships are parsed down to two senses, with hiccups and glitches in between.

I wanted to make five characters that, while goofy in their own ways, seem to belong in some inter-dimensional cult, with their own dark rituals. By moving their meeting onto Zoom, the character's relationships and personalities have triviality and humiliation thrown over them, boiling what would have been a really dramatic scene down to a screen with five boxes.

The piece is any computer that fullscreens the image. I did the emails because I really like having supporting documents for the worlds my pieces are a part of.

Here's the full size:

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