Saturday, March 14, 2020

Jeff Kim

Jeff Kim
Shit Artists Leave Behind
Bronze, Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Steel, Tin, Peat Moss
46" X 57" X 28"

The work reflects the leftover items from young artists which were discarded as waste. Some items I found, and some were given to me by artists that have moved on from the university. It reflects items from about a dozen artists including myself. The piece is kind of a time capsule for me to remember the artists that I interacted with while at the university. It's also representative of all the different reasons artists create art. While artists have different reasons for creating art, for most audiences they view our creations as entertainment. For that reason, I decided to make it resemble a television.


UD said...

Images color and exposure looks great. Images 1,2,4 best describe the piece. Image info is all correct except your dimensions should include the peat moss.

Jeff Kim said...

Thanks Dave, unfortunately I did not get a chance to measure the peat moss but will note for the next time I use coverage for the floor.


Unknown said...

The documentation of this piece is solid, definitely getting stronger at photographing Jeff. I would love to see maybe different ways to display this piece just to see if it can get any more interesting. All in all with all the challenges you faced to make this piece, you continued to problem solve through all the issues and came to a very successful outcome, can't wait to see how your work continues to progress.