Sunday, November 4, 2007

Inanimate Animation

Jeremy Tan
Inanimate Animation,
paper, mono-filament, plastic, helium gas
dimensions variable

The piece began as a focus on the object in attempting to metaphorically represent a flock. The pinwheels would spin separately as the balloons lifted them into the air, and the kite would direct the motion of the entire form; just as birds act as individuals but move in unison. However, as I finished the construction, I realized that what was more interesting to me was my prediction of how the object would act in the sky, rather than the object itself.

In reality, I understood, that I could never actually predict how it would function, because that would entail controlling the wind, moisture in the air, how the cars were parked in the parking lot, along with other factors of my expected presentation space and nature in general. To me what was most interesting was my trying to figure out how to make the object do what I wanted it to do. Therefore, the final piece was a performative act of me learning how to fly the flock. Towards the close of my interaction, I thought I was finally controlling the way it was moving getting it to go into the air when I wanted it to, but I realized it would only do so when I was running and only in the direction of the wind; it ended up controlling me.

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