Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Katie Chavatel

Katie Chavatel
In Transit, 2016
Mixed media wall collage
7' x 7' 

In Transit is a wall collage, made of a wood sculpture, my father's house plans, some of my personal drawings and prints, teabags, maps of baltimore and the eastern shore, and a network of thread. I began this piece with the middle center sculpture, and continued to place these rectangular forms radiating outward. The thread serves as my intent to connect this jumble of objects to one another, yet resulted in this mass network of lines, an unsolvable maze of interconnections. To me, these objects and images are my childhood, my comfort. Yet, the thread seems to restrain the images, confine them in their exact locations. As a whole, I see a giant spider web, or a map guiding me somewhere, yet these lines are tangled and knotted, with no ending point. 

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