Monday, October 13, 2014

Jill Jacobs

Jill Jacobs
3' 2"  x  2' 9"  x  5' 5"

We are made a very specific way with a determined interaction of parts standard to any one specie. It is the initial and precise formation that we bend and mold in our specific directions spotted with imperfection and consequently, uniqueness and beauty. Once individually formed into the vessels we are, waiting to be filled, we are forced and bound together to cohere with our peers and our society, taking unique parts and obscuring them to make a cohesive whole. Once society has gained its form, it can be viewed from many perspectives, and while from one direction it may seem a harmonious and cohesive whole, its view from a slightly different angle may appear only as a mess. Here, I provide my viewer with the whole, and only with further and closer inspection can each of the individual vessels be revealed.

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