Friday, May 17, 2019

Jeff Kim

Jeff Kim
Freedom of Expression
46” x 74” x 31”

This piece is about our society’s romance with drugs. The rose represents romance and the cannabis leaves represent the drugs. More importantly it’s about the freedom of expression which needs to be defended for everyone to keep creating art. There may be negative opinions within our society that challenge the nature of our artworks but that should not stop us from creating and sharing those expressions. Artist everywhere have the responsibility to defend the very freedom that drives our creativity. The expressions that artists reflect in their work should drive dialogs and healthy debates between difference of opinions, while having respect for each other’s point of view. I cannot imagine an artist that has to create art inside the confines of other people’s personal views. Working inside the box is the very definition of stifling creativity which is the same as censorship. If we have strong opinions about an artwork’s expressions, we should go to critique and openly debate in a respectful manner with each other’s point of view and not hide behind words of anonymity.      

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