Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Claire Ciccarone

                                                                       Adorned /
Average monthly temperatures range from 75.8 to 32.0 degrees.
Moss, grout, glue, tiles, found objects, digital inkjet print
8ft x 6ft x 4ft

Reinstalled, my piece from Art In The Garden, Adorned is given a different place to inhabit. Thinking about the space and how the piece would fit, I excluded some pieces from the garden to focus more on the domestic objects. With moss covering everything around the piece including pipes, outlets and growing through the walls and the floor it takes over a white gallery space and creates new meanings. My use of a framed inkjet print brings a story to the viewer which though is very personal to myself, the artist, is open to one's interpretation. In the making I realized terrible doubts, but also a warming conclusion that this represents a lot of my own growth in all the time I've spent in a place where the average temperatures range monthly from 75.8 to 32.0 degrees.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Lia Eisenstadt

Mascara, lip plumper, pregnancy tests, laxatives, thong, heels, jewelry, tampons, push up bra, gold, glitter, cigarettes, mannequin legs, resin, faux fur, mdf

At times, certain aspects of being a woman becomes a responsibility. A responsibility to fit an ideal visual form, or a responsibility to reject standards and break the mold of said form,  or perhaps the responsibility to explain yourself as to why you do or don't do either of those things. Ultimately, it's no ones business, the idea of it all is quite silly, overwhelming and unnecessary. I'll be open and honest but its a good time to tap out, sit down and smell the flowers for a minute, or maybe a month. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

Adele Kaczmarek

Dough Wall Had Babies
salt, water, flour, cable, peg board
7' x 4' x 1' 

DOUGH WALL HAD BABIES! Congratulations! 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Sebastian Velasquez Final

Final Sculpture
Art 350

"The Naming of Dogs?"
Steel, paint

approx. 7ft by 5ft by 7ft

  I draw in 3D space the most simplistically abstracted forms of creatures.  However, these creatures may change shape to those who view them.  Wait and viddy them a bit longer, and they may change before your very eyes. 


Frankie Cheatham




3' x 2' x 1'

The act of braiding takes three (or more) separate pieces and ties them into a stronger whole. I wanted to create an unbreakable whole out of several disparate and at times clashing pieces that goes on and on, without a clear ending. The spiral, while it returns on itself as it circles, moves ever outward and thus ever forward, becoming a symbol of progress, slow as it may be, while the incomplete braids hang outward, encouraging viewers to continue the braid and the spiral so that it does not end.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019



1' x 3" x 7" 
Exploration into the shapes and textures of ceramics on mermaid.

Erin Erskine

Mirror, Acrylic Paint, Wood

Perception: the ability to see, hear or become aware of something through the senses.

We can perceive things normally through our senses such as seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting. This takes a conscious effort on our behalf. The unconscious can perceive things differently. To experience something that can mess with our typical idea of perception    

Monday, May 20, 2019

Deanna Marino

Inspired by the bureaucracy of death conceptualized in the movie Beetlejuice, I created my own office of afterlife affairs. A door to heaven, a door to hell, and an office door stand in a prism creating an interior room that shows rolls of paper listing the population and totals of people admitted to heaven and hell through the years. It was complete with a burton-esque perilous stack of paper for the applications for your judgement- an interactive element where guests can fill out a form and submit it through the mail slot to be judged for their place in the afterlife.

Deanna Marino

In this piece, I wanted to bend it wholly to the art in the garden atmosphere; catering to the kids and environment. I combined my knack for interactive pieces and magical, nature-based designs with my skill for improv and working with kids.

Deanna Marino

As an attempt to venture back into my more creepy side of my elegant/creepy scale, I enjoyed transforming raw materials like bone into fully-treated artistic elements. While I agree on my critiques it lacked a center or crescendo, I am happy with the way it became in essence both a physical and conceptual harmonious interaction between man and nature.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Jeff Kim

Jeff Kim
Freedom of Expression
46” x 74” x 31”

This piece is about our society’s romance with drugs. The rose represents romance and the cannabis leaves represent the drugs. More importantly it’s about the freedom of expression which needs to be defended for everyone to keep creating art. There may be negative opinions within our society that challenge the nature of our artworks but that should not stop us from creating and sharing those expressions. Artist everywhere have the responsibility to defend the very freedom that drives our creativity. The expressions that artists reflect in their work should drive dialogs and healthy debates between difference of opinions, while having respect for each other’s point of view. I cannot imagine an artist that has to create art inside the confines of other people’s personal views. Working inside the box is the very definition of stifling creativity which is the same as censorship. If we have strong opinions about an artwork’s expressions, we should go to critique and openly debate in a respectful manner with each other’s point of view and not hide behind words of anonymity.