Tuesday, April 30, 2019

John Halligan

Self Reflection

February, 2019


4'6" x 1' x 5'

             When making this piece I was mainly focused on what my hand carvings meant to me. After many thoughts and pointless idea’s, I decided id go with a very narrative approach. The Inspiration came from objects with personal significance to my father and I, Dealing with our relationship and how we are as people. Through the process I realized it was less about the objects and more about the way I had the hands interact with each other. The piece has evolved drastically since the first critique. At first what seemed as a fail, led to a greater understanding of the relationship between the hands and I. Its not about the narrative, but each individual hand themselves. They all are a part of me, an extension of myself and a creation of a language for me to express myself. The evolution continues…

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