Monday, March 18, 2019

Bailey Toman



sticks, hemp cord, white candle wax, salt, herbs, incense

i created this piece to bring the types of spaces i visualize for meditation and introspection to life. initially taking interest in using found materials (sticks), and using well known symbols that are important to me (pentacles), this piece became about a meditative state of repetition and focus. the wooden stars are coated in white wax, which felt like an act of preservation or preparation for ceremony. the hanging stars create a canopy of safety and comfort for the meditating individual. the spiritual or non spiritual space below was personal to put together and have people interact with. the smell of sage and incense and the other herbs being used on the carpet were intended to overwhelm the viewers and put the meditator at peace. the salt circle is a symbolic and practical way to cleanse and protect the space inside. (i promise better images of circle space soon)

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