Monday, November 19, 2018

Joe Wojciechowski

28" X 8" X 16"

We know where we have been and we know what we have done
We know where we are and what we are doing
We do not know where life will take us and what we will do
We just have to cast ourselves to the wind
like a bird on the wing, and wing it
Where we land will be our next adventure in life

Friday, November 16, 2018

Cynthia Yoo

4' 6" x 3' 1"
materials: cardboard, tape, staples,

This piece is a quilt created from cardboard boxes of particular Korean food items found at my family’s market. I have always been very fascinated with the bright and fun package designs of imported foods that I grew up eating. Although these boxes might be considered trash to the casual onlooker, they represent my father’s hard work and sacrifices for the past 17 years in America to sustain my family. His aching muscles and lack of holidays is my opportunity to live a comfortable life while also carrying out his American dream. This sculpture has elements of familial values embedded in different levels: from the conceived idea to the process of creating it. When I was struggling to sew the cardboard together, my mother came to walk me through the process and told me her own stories growing up at a cleaners. 

Cynthia Yoo

"Young's Oriental Grocery"

8'10" x 5"x 1'4"
materials: video, processed plywood, wall-paint

This sculpture is a conceptual recreation of the Young's Oriental Market sign mounted on the storefront. Glimpses into the day and life of our family store is projected onto the piece. The value and meaning of the sculpture was developed in the process...  Through the warm and colorful shots taken on a slow, late summer afternoon, I wanted to create an atmosphere of nostalgia, happiness, and simplicity. My parents and the workers are captured doing their routine responsibilities, everyone carrying out their own tasks, which builds the character of our environment. What does it look like to live life to the fullest and and to find joy in the fruit of their labor?