Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Forrest Hines

Body (two)

This piece is a continuation of my figure studies through line and subtlety. In Body (one) I used the contrast of a white floor in a heavily lit room to formulate a the shape of a body through rising horizontal lines but in this piece the forms use vertical lines that are fleshed out through bends and kinks to start to imply body parts. I really wanted to get away from this idea of a "perfect figure" that starts to happen when working figuratively, that is the sort of slender and typically male bodied, thin figure, and give something a little more. Bodies have such a variety of shapes and abilities so to only use one form when working with the idea of a body doesn't quite fulfill what I want to do and this piece was the first step in really distorting that perfect figure and seeing what the many shapes and forms of the body can give me in an artistic sense.

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