Monday, March 14, 2011

Kevin Bielicki

Kevin Bielicki
Binary Code
36" x 138" x 12"

My intentions in this work was to create a continuous rolling code created by cutting strips of plywood that are then chisels in half. I composed three convex panels together to make a series of freeze frames of this code. This Binary Code or true and false code splits the panels in half horizontally. As I chiseled the wood in half the darker wood be placed in the mirrored spot of the lighter color related to the center the panel. I see this work as not a separation and splitting or even crossing of this code of true or false or light and dark ,rather as them existing side by side rolling together as to be resolved, both informing the other. I choose wood for this work because I came about an interesting texture with plywood through previous work. This texture was invocative of exotic woods, native American patterns, and perhaps even African like print. In this work, however, instead of using only half the wood I cut on the table saw I salvaged both sides as I split them to save on material consumption, adding a different constrasting dynamic to my piece.

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